Makeup Tips

my 5 favorite makeup tips to live by

 1) Always start with eyes- This is important because the fallout from eyeshadow and mascara will ruin that beautiful foundation you put so much effort into.

2) Foundation shouldn't be used to mask our face- Only apply foundation to the t-zone and buff it out to create a natural gradient and prevent a distinct line from your natural skin to foundation. 

3) Never forget the brows- Whether you have full or sparse brows I always use an eyeshadow and angle brush to fill the brows and soften the hairs. Trust me it looks "Oh So Good!"

4) Use your lipstick as your blush- Whatever lip color you choose make sure to match your blush color or even better use your lipstick as your blush by dabbing a small amount onto your finger then onto the apples of your cheeks. 

5) Luminize, Luminize, Luminize- Never leave the house without dapping on a luminizer. Healthy skin glows and glowing skin looks healthy. My go to favorite is the RMS luminizer palette. With 4 different luminizers I never get bored with my options and often layer all of them. Apply luminizer around the eyes, on the inside of your tear ducts, the bridge of the nose and your cupids bow (right above the upper lip).