Locks and Locks of Love


Here at Bloom we love the opportunity to give back! In any way we can! But what we love even more is when others want to join us! Two weeks ago we were lucky enough to witness, and partake in, the amazing generosity of the talented kids at the Calhoun school. May 18th was our annual Locks of Love event. Calhoun students and even a few teachers came to Bloom to chop off their locks, get a new do and most importantly donate to a worthy cause. The kids donated their hair and the stylists of Bloom donated their time and talents. 90's dance music blared, pizza was devoured, soda guzzled and hair was definitely cut. Twenty two ponytails to be exact! As the pile of hair grew, and each of the kids took turns taking pictures with it, our hearts grew too! By the end of the night we were filled not only with pizza but with love. Locks and locks of love!