Happy Cyber Monday!

Update: Now that Cyber Monday is over, we've reduced the discounts, but the services are still available for the cheap! Click here to check them out. One of my biggest frustrations with Holiday sales is that every store uses them as an excuse to clear out their crappy mass market items that no one really wants! I wanted to offer our clients something in return for being such wonderful and loyal Bloomers. This Thanksgiving we are thankful for YOU!

I thought long and hard about what I would want and also what my bloomers were looking for in a cyber monday sale. I came up with two unique services as well as two handpicked makeup packages I designed for every skin type.  



Deal #1: $50 Makeup Application Regular Price: $100 (Save 50%)

Bloom Make-up Lesson

The first service I would like to offer is a makeup application by yours truly! It's that time of year where holiday parties, family gatherings and New Years starts to take over your life. So why not sit back, treat yourself with a little makeup pampering, and feel beautiful!


Deal #2: $68.50 Makeup Lesson Regular Price: $125 (Save 45%)

The second service I'm offering is a 60 min. makeup lesson again with yours truly! I have so many bloomers asking me to teach them how to do a smoky eye or how to prevent eye liner from smudging. In this 60 mins you will have the time to ask questions and ask me to teach you the things you've never learned. (I ask that you bring all your makeup to the lesson. That way I can see what you're working with). You have the option of learning the following:

  1. 5 Min Daytime makeup
  2. Smoky eyes
  3. How to choose the right colors for you
  4. How to slim down your makeup and not get overwhelmed


Deal #3: $65 RMS Makeup Starter Kit Regular Price: $81 (Save 20%)

Lastly, I put together two different makeup packages personalized for warm or cool skin tones. We brought in RMS beauty last November and it's been a huge hit. Besides being organic, paraben-free and even water-free, the makeup is simply perfect for the natural woman. Its so easy to use. Everything you need to apply the makeup fits in the palm of your hand, including your fingers (no brushes necessary)!

In both packages I included the coconut cream (regular price: $15) which is 100% pure coconut and nothing else. It works great for removing makeup, cleansing, and conditioning the skin. It's our number one seller! I have a few clients that just recently had babies and they used it during and after pregnancy on their cute bellies. I aslo included the Living luminizer (regular price: $38) in both sets. This one is on my "must have" list! Dab a little above your cheekbones and in-between your eyes for an instant glow. It works great to distract from those dark circles too.

For eyeshadows, you have two options: The warm set includes the eyeshadow Myth (regular price: $28). This shadow adds a slight hue of golden and reddish tones to the eye. It works best with brown, golden, or green eyes.

The cool set includes the eyeshadow Magnetic (regular price: $28). This shadow has a silver and purplish tone. I love it for golden skin tones but it also looks great on pale skin.

If this sounds interesting check out my blog post detailing my obsession with RMS beauty.

Click here to order any of our cyber Monday sales from our online boutique.



xoxo Clarissa

Update: Now that Cyber Monday is over, we've reduced the discounts, but the services are still available for the cheap! Click here to check them out.